In a universe close, close to home...

Looking at Blogging from a relativistic angle, I've come into it rather late. A hundred years from , I'll be considered a pioneer. OK, I've got my coonskin hat on and I'm ready to venture forth. For all you non-Americans, a coonskin hat is what early American pioneers wore to explore the wilderness. Standard equipment.

The idea of this blog is to bring everyone traveling the same path together, whether they be far out in front or (like me) lagging woefully behind. I hope this to be a place where people can share. I have certain skills I can share as each of you have your own. I don't know a lot about Indy marketing just yet, but I do know about what goes between the covers of a good book. As a writer and an editor, I'm willing to share some of those skills for those who request it. Free of charge. I will get into more detail about that in a later blog.

To start off my blog, I will pose a question that readers and writers alike will be able to converse over. Here goes...